Hoveround Power Chair with Medicare Assignment
with Medicare Assignment*

Most Insurance Accepted.*
- Call before you buy! With Medicare & private insurance your power wheelchair costs you little to nothing out of pocket.*
- Hoveround Mobility Specialists are here for a FREE consultation and to help you every step of the way.
- Our skilled technicians provide FREE delivery & in-home training on your power chair.**
- Our Round for a Reason patented design fits in small spaces.
9 out of 10 people get their Power Chair for little to nothing!*
Call or fill out our form to find out if insurance can help you get a Hoveround!
You can also buy an LX5 for just $2,595 using our Rapid Cash Purchase or Financing!

What are you waiting for?
Enjoy life again. Get a genuine Hoveround electric wheelchair.
"We personally stand behind every
Hoveround Power wheelchair."
-Tom Kruse, Hoveround Founder

* Insurance coverage and out-of-pocket expenses for a power wheelchair depend on medical necessity as determined by your insurer. A valid doctor’s prescription is required.
** In-home delivery and training is available at additional cost for non-insurance reimbursed purchases (cash, credit, check, PayPal, etc.)