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Power Chair Rental: Cost-Savings for Caregivers

Power Chair Rental: Cost-Savings for Caregivers

How Power Chair Rental Helps Caregivers

If you're a caregiver to an elderly relative or spouse with a mobility-limiting condition, chances are you may be looking for ways to cut care giving costs. Depending on the particular circumstances, one possible option could be a Hoveround rental.

Renting a power chair may be able to do more than just provide your disabled loved one with reliable personal mobility and support — affordable power wheelchair rental might also be a very convenient and cost-saving option for you!

a rented power wheelchair can provide temporary help when neededIf mobility assistance is required due to a temporary disability, or during an extended period of time away without access to personally-owned mobility equipment, it's important to have suitable options that will satisfy your care recipient's mobility needs. A rented motorized wheelchair could be the solution you've been looking for.

How Much Does It Cost to Rent an Electric Wheelchair?

Why spend thousands of dollars to buy a power mobility chair, when it is needed only temporarily? Power chair rental can be considerably less expensive than purchasing with cash or credit. Plus, some electric wheelchair rental options may include wheelchair accessories, helping you to keep costs down even more, so renting a power chair can cut sometimes cut costs and save money.

Motorized Chair Rental Can Expand Everyone's Freedom

When you rent a motorized wheelchair, your ailing or visiting loved one will be able to get around better — without risking over-exertion — and do more things more independently. This can reduce some of your care giving responsibilities and give you more time for yourself.

For the elderly or severely disabled person who lives with a chronic health condition, such as diabetes, COPD, arthritis and other ailments that compromise mobility, a properly-fitted medical power wheelchair could be the better solution. In these cases, it makes more sense to purchase a power chair for your loved one if they are not covered by insurance. And when a doctor prescribes a power chair as medically necessary, Medicare or insurance may be available to help cover some or all of the cost.1

But if mobility assistance is needed for just a couple months or so, then a rented motorized wheelchair may be one way to save on expenses, provide essential support, and make it easier for your loved one to get around on their own. For more information, read our article about the benefits of electric wheelchair rental.

Are you a caregiver in need of electric wheelchair rental options? Then call us at 800-542-7236 and find out how you can rent a Hoveround power chair for one month or more. The details are just a phone call away!

This article is for general informational purposes only.

1Insurance coverage depends on benefit eligibility and medical necessity as determined by insurer. Valid doctor's prescription required. For more on the rules regarding power wheelchair coverage, please visit Medicare.gov.

October 20, 2021