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4 Great Things About Wheelchair Car Lifts

4 Great Things About Wheelchair Car Lifts

Power wheelchairs may be used primarily for indoor mobility; to aid instrumental activities of daily living. However, power chair users might also perform essential activities outside their home. Maybe they spend time volunteering, or do their own shopping, or need to keep doctors' appointments way across town.

For transporting a power chair to some of the places you (or, a loved one) absolutely must go, an exterior vehicle lift, like the HOVERLIFT® for Vehicles, may be one of the most convenient solutions available.

Some Great Things About Wheelchair Lift Ownership

Though they come in different styles and have different dimensions and capacities, there are four great things about wheelchair car lifts that are worth noting, in terms of function, convenience and versatility.

  1. Rear-mounted onto the outside of a motor vehicle (with a compatible vehicle hitch*), the lift creates a platform for easy and secure power chair transport.
  2. The HOVERLIFT for Vehicles operates by simply raising the motorized wheelchair off the ground with effortless one-finger, single-switch operation.
  3. Wheelchair lifts for vehicles and carriers expand freedom and independence Swing-Away-Arm-for-easy-rear-hatch-access with a convenience like nothing else. No major modifications are needed to use the HOVERLIFT for Vehicles, and it is powered directly from the chair's battery.
  4. For the ultimate in versatility and ease, the HOVERLIFT for Vehicles has a Swing-Away Arm option for quick and easy access to the back of a car, or the rear hatch of an SUV, minivan or truck.

Contact a Mobility Specialist at (800) 542-7236 for details and learn how you may get a FREE HoverCover with your HOVERLIFT for Vehicles purchase.**

* The HOVERLIFT for Vehicles is designed to safely support Hoveround power chairs and only uses an approved Class II or Class III hitch (sold separately). Under no circumstances should the lift be used for any other purpose or to transport any other style of power chair or scooter. Review the Owner's Manual for usage and safety guidelines.

**Free HoverCover offer good only with purchase of a HOVERLIFT for Vehicles. Call for details. Certain restrictions apply.

This article is for informational purposes only.

January 8, 2014